Thursday, May 26, 2016

More like Fox every day.

I remember when the news media would report the news. Now they create it. I would state without fear of contradiction that the TV news media has focused on, over-reported, and essentially promoted Donald Trump. He is not just his creation, but a co-invention with the networks and the press, mostly the broadcast networks. And while they're giving him the lion's share of coverage, the media has created this fantasy that Hillary Clinton is hated, dishonest, and "the lesser of two evils". It's basically not true, but it makes for hotter stories, sharper drama, nastier competition. From the beginning,  the increasingly incompetent and lazy news media has been complicit in promoting the Republican fantasy that Clinton alone is responsible for Benghazi. And, while the evening news stations eagerly report every nasty remark out of Trump's unregulated mouth, they never remind us of all the good that Hillary has done for this country. Instead they irresponsibly report every item of gossip, and every unproven, or disproven allegation. And now the news media has managed to create a war between Clinton and Sanders by reporting only the negative aspects of their campaigns. As much as I hated Cruz, Rubio, Bush, and those other losers, the media played a major role in getting them out of the picture so they could focus on their favorite story, the outrageous and always good press Trump. The media has no interest in the future of our country, only the future of their ratings. Yes, Fox is a blatant liar, a Republican propaganda machine. But all the other news stations are not that far behind in, if not in bending the truth, then redirecting it, coloring it, ignoring it, and exaggerating it. The media is becoming
a dangerous and deceptive force.

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