Monday, May 23, 2016

Just say no.

Today when you have to call a provider, any provider, with a question or complaint, they ask for your name and telephone number, which is fine. What isn't fine it when they transfer you to someone else who can better handle your problem and that person asks for your name and telephone number. They are the same company. They should have been given that information by the first responder. When you are paying for a service, it is not your job to jump through hoops for the convenience of  the provider. I tell the second person "No. If you want my name and telephone number get it from your fellow employee who already has it. If they say they can't help me without it, I tell them, fine, that I will replace them with another provider. That seems to help them find a solution." I don't understand why consumers will so willingly obey the instructions of companies who are being paid to provide them with service and not the other way around.

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