Friday, May 20, 2016

Penny wise, dollar foolish.

Canada's TD Banks are very pleasant places with which to do business. They keep longer hour than most banks. They have wonderful murals related to each location. They provide water bowls and milk bones for dogs, and lollipops for children. And, for their customers they have free Penny Arcades, very convenient coin-counting machines. At least they did have them until NBC and some busybody group called the Rossen report suggested these machines might be short-changing their customers. First of all I would never expect such a device to be 100% accurate, and I suspect that any short changing was a matter of pennies, or dimes at the most. But after the report, TD removed all the machines, so this morning when I came in for a count, I was stuck leaving with a heavy bag of coins. I schlepped them to the local supermarket, but they didn't have a machine. Eventually another market did, and I converted them to cash for an 11% fee. I don't know who these Rossens are, but because of them thousands of customers are stuck rolling their accumulated coins or taking them to some market and paying a fee, which I am sure is heftier than the piddling sum that they were shortchanged by these machines.

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