Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Oh, the humanity!

It seems that nasty, neurotic, racist Republicans spend their days watching tv hoping to see Obama do something, anything, that they can carp about. The latest is what these nutcases call the LatteSaltute. It seems that President Obama stepped off Marine One in New York City on his way to the United Nations and gestured with his coffee cup. Naturally this unforgivable act has created another fake outrage among Obama haters, who actually welcome it as another opportunity to fault the president. The lazy media have, of course, fallen right in step and publicized this gaffe since it is another chance to  do a cheap shot story that requires no research or intelligence. Conservatives were once loyal Americans. Now they are becoming a party of prissy, unpatriotic whimpering simps who, like the cliched old biddy who lived next door, are finding fault with everything that uppity president does.

Couldn't find a good photo of this despicable act. Just as well since it seems that it's just too disturbing to even visualize. I imagine many Republicans had to take to their beds to recover from the shock and horror of that moment when President Obama raised the offended styrofoam cup.

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