Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Come out of that closet, guys!

It's interesting how many pretty boys or ex pretty boys become so anti-homosexual. Especially those who seem suspiciously less than masculine. It seems to me it takes a certain kind of obsession to a cause to spend so much effort and thought on it. I, being gay, I have no animosity toward women, and greatly admire those that are witty, talented and beautiful. Why should I hate them? They pose no threat to me. But gay-haters like Kirk Camera, Tony Perkins and Tucker Carlson are threatened. Why? Because the Bible tells them that homosexuality is evil? Not likely. Since they can't seem to come up with any biblical proof of such a statement. Even if they dig up the old Sodom and Gomorrah story, it isn't all that clear. No the fight they are having is in themselves. I am sure when Kirk was an adorable young star, he got propositioned a lot. Maybe he even succumbed and spent his nights crying at his sinfulness. Now he must vilify the very thing that so attracts him. Poor Kirk. More and more Americans are accepting the idea of gay marriages. Why? Because they are comfortable in their heterosexual identities. They are not threatened. Show me a straight man who has an intense hatred of homosexuals and I'll show you a man with a copy of Stallion hidden somewhere in his home.

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