Sunday, April 17, 2011

"Well I'll be a son of a...."

This Oreo Fudge Cremes commercial annoys me for lots of reasons. First because I detest the idea that any one food or snack can inspire such over-the-top reactions. Add to that the fact that the family is partiicuarly obnoxious and toss in that all their comments reek of copywriter-written. But most intriguing is that this spot, which appears to be a family oriented commercial, has the mother exclaim "Shut the front door" a frequent euphemism for "Shut the fuck up." I don't know if the the writer knew what he or she was doing, but cozy kitchen Kraft Foods certainly must have been in the dark as I can't imagine they gave the agency the go-ahead to tear down decades of family values. This spot has already gotten a lot of attention and I don't think it's particularly positive. Wouldn't be surprised if the Oreos client shut the front door on this agency.

1 comment:

  1. My only question is whether the copywriter knows who Franklin Delano Roosevelt was.
