Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A self-made fool.

This is the face of a moron and liar. This cartoonish mllionaire has had every advantage from day one, including being born into a wealthy family (though he pretends to have made it on his own). While he is intelligent, he squanders his intellect on stupidities like questioning Obama's place of birth. At 65, he has decided to be better known as a clown than a successful entrepreneur. While he once was known for the art of the deal, now he is famous for being a braggart, exaggerator, and thrice-married buffoon. He is quick to tell you how intelligent he is (despite many grammatical errors and malapropisms) how successful he is (despite many financial failures) and how he single-handedly got the president to produce his birth certificate. His favorite words are "Excuse me" which are used liberally to stop anyone from disagreeing with any of his unsubstantiated claims. Despite having, according to him, billions of dollars he sports a hairstyle more suited to a truckdriver who cannot afford even Hair Club for Men. He is especially proud of his reality show as he imagines it is the popular favorite of America's intellectual community. He strongly hints that he may be planning to run for president. If he ran and won, could he make America strong again? Well, to answer that question keep this in mind: he lost money operating a casino.

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