Monday, April 18, 2011

"I'm sorry. Could you repeat that...again?"

There are some aspects of contemporary life that completely mystify me, and music is one of them, at least the music that plays constantly in every store, restaurant and mall. I don't know who decided that we need to have every moment of our life scored, but obviously everyone agrees since I seem to be alone in my detestation of background music, loud of otherwise (though it's rarely otherwise). I would prefer silence in most social occasions. And, if not silence, at least music that I like, which is never the music I hear anywhere these days. I have to assume that most people are quite content to have second rate singers screaming at them with third-rate songs that are incredibly repetitious Some songs only have a single line. Others a theme screeched endlessly like, "I haven't got time for the pain." or "What's love got to do with it. " Is this really the music people want to hear all day every day? Is there no room for something a bit more classical? Not that I even want that. I want quiet, silence, serenity. I want to choose a book at Barnes & Noble without having to hear Rod Stewart frogging out old standards. I want to shop at Publix without having some pop diva screaming at me on every aisle. In a restaurant, I want a comfortable conversation not a yellfest. I find it impossible to believe that most people really want endless music, that may or may not be their taste, everywhere they go. I can't be the only person who loves, as Paul Simon wrote,"The Sound of Silence." When I was a kid, it was pretty well known that the mafia operated the jukebox industry. Lots of eateries who didn't want to have music were soon persuaded that a jukebox would be a very good idea. I can't escape the belief that even today when a business, any business, opens somebody scary shows up to take their order for a sound system and music program whether they want it or not. That's the only way I can explain the cacophony of mediocrity that assails my ears everywhere I go.

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