Wednesday, April 27, 2011

"We interrupt this program for another major non-story?"

This is a dark day for the news media. They proved just how clueless they are and how increasingly irrelevant. Tired of putting up with endless news stories questioning his place of birth, Obama finally released his official birth certificate. In doing so, he also had to scold the infantile press for their constant focus on the birther story as opposed to all the important issues our country faces. But before they broke into his speech, they naturally were gathered around the blustering Donald Trump in New Hampshire, hanging on his every boast, including that he alone managed to get Obama to release his birth certificate. Right after his speech, in which Obama pointed out clearly that there are more important issues that demand our immediate attentio, the idiotic, imbecilic news media launched into still more irrelevent and unnecessary coverage about the release of the birth certificate. As I write this, I can hear these fools in the background blathering away about this non-story while our country's serious problems continue to be ingored in favor of trivia. The news media should be ashamed for ever covering this racist story. But they're not and you can be sure they will continue to leap upon the insignificant and easy to cover items while Rome burns.

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