Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The moron from Minnesota.

What is happening to this country? Why do we quote and listen to people who are raging idiots, like Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann? Ms. Bachmann is now being—and rightly so—skewered for suggesting, no stating, that our founding fathers (she cites John Quincy Adams) worked hard to get rid of slavery. She seems to believe that slavery was abolished somewhere around 1777. Apparently this grade-school dropout has never heard of The Civil War, Uncle Tom's Cabin, or read any reputable (non-Texas) history book. To make it even easier she could have seen the film 1776 and it all would have been laid out for her with musical accompaniment. Yet, she—abysmally ignorant as she is—is giving a response to the president's speech tonight. A woman who doesn't have a clue about our nation's history has been chosen by the Tea Party to give a rebuttal to the president's speech! If that doesn't horrify you, it should. All right, I'm a raging liberal. But any sane Republican who cares about the future of America should be as furious about this kind of insanity as I am. Because we are right in the middle of the dumbing of America. We are replacing once-sagacious politicians and pundits with telegenic dimwits who are promoted and glorified by media that have become increasingly careless and lazy. What kind of future does our country have if we allow so much credibility to be given to ignorant liars who have no idea of our past?


  1. The Republicans ARE furious, but not for the reason you cite. She's diluting their message. And they're too frightened of the teabaggers to try to control her. It's great!

    However, we're on a slippery slope here. Next year, there will be half a dozen gop-sanctioned "official responses." Then, after Obama is reelected, the trend will accelerate. By 2016, the President will be banned from the Capitol and told to submit a two-page SOTU e-mail, after which every member of the gop Congressional caucus will get 45 minutes of national TV time to rebut.

    I exaggerate. But nothing these jerks do surprises me any more.

  2. I'm not sure you exaggerate considering the madness of the Republican party.
