Thursday, January 20, 2011

Butterfinger Snackerz Commercial: Southern Comfort Be Danged, A Lady Has...


  1. I didn't like it either. If you really want to keep food to yourself, you don't make other people even aware of it. Sandra has tea from Harrod's that I'm not allowed to drink so she hides it from me. She doesn't put it out on the table and then hit me if I try to open a teabag. The theme of this commercial is that Southerners are weird...I also don't understand why the girl that gets zapped is displaying a kind of orgasmic pleausure in chocolate. Scarlett O'Hara never purred and slinked and "slutted" it up so much. When did the Southern belle become so whorish in our culture

  2. Wonderful response. I was afraid I was going to get "You're nuts. I love that commercial." attacks.
