Thursday, October 7, 2010

Nyet! Nyet!

Am I supposed to be charmed by this commercial for DirecTV? And, if so, why? Here is an unattractive actor who seems like Russian Mafia in an opulent setting of incredible vulgarity being protected by bodyguards and indulged by attractive women who look like high-priced hookers. He's so undeservedly vain he has two busts of himself, both gold like most of the furniture including an intensely vulgar sofa. On the TV screen behind him is a woman running through the woods (probably being pursued by a serial killer). And, if that didn't make him unpleasant enough, his pet (other than the card-playing dogs) is a miniature giraffe which would have to be the product of some weird and sadistic cloning. One kiss from his Dr. Moreau pet and he pounds his knees like a drug- or steroid-crazed nutcase. I'm not quite sure how this demented commercial sells DirecTV services, but I have no doubt that many people think this is wonderfully entertaining since creeps are so chic these days.

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