Sunday, October 3, 2010

About Face.

I am a member of FaceBook. But I still don't understand its popularity. With few exceptions I find very little interesting on this site? blog? whatever it is. Maybe, being a luddite, I'm not making full use of it. Because most of it is boring. I don't really care who had dinner when and with whom. I am not interested in other people's vacations. Once it's over, I'm not even interested in my own. It's sometimes fascinating to be reconnected to people from your past. On the other hand, there's usually a good reason they are past- and not present-day friends. All too often you find out something about someone you liked that immediately makes you put them in the dislike column. Not that I don't like my Facebook friends. I do. I just don't visit the site that much because it's mostly trivia or photos. I am sure very few of my friends ever visit this lonely site. Which is also fine. Most people are pretty self- or family-involved. Which is why I write a blog and why so many people are on Facebook.

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