Monday, June 3, 2024


 As you know, since you have e-mail, there are a lot of scummy people out there who, without being invited, clog your e-mail with their constant unwanted ads and pleas for money.  To make themselves even more irritating they require you to type in your e-mail if you want to unsubscribe to crap you never subscribed for in the first place. Why should you have to jump through any  hoop for these intruders?  Some assholes even disguise their ads by sneaking into your e-mail using a close friend's name. Thinking it's an important e-mail you open it and get yet another annoying ad,  in today's case, some promotion from the cast of Shark Tank The government has not done enough to protect us from spammers and  scammers, and if Trump gets into office they will do even less and probably add more user penalties to the Internet.

This is the third time I have gotten an e-mail supposedly from a friend that turns out to be an ad for a product promoted by the slimy members of the Shark Tank.Todays scam was even more offensive because they had my "friend" saying she had some sad news.

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