Wednesday, June 19, 2024


 Donald before you get all wrapped up in your lies and propaganda, I have a few hints for you. One, don't use the American flag in your ads. Since you are anti-democracy, you have no rights to any flag images.You'll have to come up with some symbol for your autocracy...maybe skull and crossbones. Also don't have any women as endorsers.Everyone will see right through that since you have made women second-class citizens or worse. You can try having blacks in a spot or two, but it will ring false since the Democrats will run lots of your racist comments. Best if you play it safe and only have white men. Pity you don't have any celebrities on your side. Is that country singer still alive? Also be careful about mispronunciations and malapropisms. (Look it up.) Try to avoid foaming at the mouth, and change your suit every few days, making sure the fly is in front. If you can try to lose fifty pounds before September and make sure your pancake makeup is below the collar. I think that's about it. I'd wish you luck but I'm looking forward to ever blunder you make. 

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