Friday, June 14, 2024


Have you heard. The Supreme Court - at least the Republicans - has overturned the ban on bump stock making it possible for more mentally ill Americans to kill more innocent victims including children. It seems the case was filed by some bloodthirsty capitalist who doesn't give a fuck who dies if he can have a larger profit margin. Justice Thomas was a big supporter of bringing back the technology which was last seen in the shooting deaths of 158 party-goers in Las Vegas. So if you thought Thomas even had a hint of a heart, forget it. Pretty soon now the nightly news will carry stories about unsuspecting people dying from the carnage of bump stock guns.  Most people will be shocked, horrified, heartsick, unable to understand why a gun designed for battle is used on our nation's streets.  Not the Republicans. Their first thought will be, "How can we prevent this inconvenient new slaughter from spoiling our gun laws."

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