Thursday, June 20, 2024


 Jeff Landry, the Governor or Louisiana, just announced to the state's 4 and half million citizens that he's a moron. First of all he is defying our Constitution by mandating that the Ten Commandments be displayed in every classroom of every school. In short he wants Louisiana to be a Christian state, ignoring every other religion and atheists like me. Plus even if it wasn't stupid, which it is, do fifth graders have to know not to commit adultery? And does he plan to keep the Sabbath holy? And since it forbids any idols, will his Christian militia destroy all Buddas, crucifixes, and Barbie dolls. And, seeing as he is so moral, will he ban Mardi Gras and the rampant sex that occurs all over his promiscuous city? And ignoring all else, does Landry really believe in 2024 that there is an invisible man in the sky somewhere who keeps an eye on every person on earth and has actually mandated these ten rigid rules, with special attention to his own ego. And does Landry's own enormous ego tell him he has the right to ignore America's Constitution, the various religions in his state, and the long held separation of church and state because his is a moralistic prude who honors his own prosletysing past over that of any citizen in his state? Why are Christians so insecure in their religious beliefs that they are constantly strong-arming others to agree with them.?  And I thought Ron DeSantis was the most prudish, uptight governor in America.

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