Monday, June 10, 2024


If one stops for a moment concentrating on the danger of Trump and his minions, one can see how hilarious it is.  For instance, he has all these black men trying to curry favor. Are they stupid? Trump has made it abundantly clear that he is a racist. He only panders to those black men to win votes and gain money. If he is elected, their days are numbered. Equally stupid are the ass-kissing Republicans on the Supreme Court. Trump makes all rules, all decisions — he won't need interfering justices to tell him what to do. Nobody tells him wha to do. Dumbest of all are any women in his cult. Hasn't he proven clearly enough how much he hates women? He has raped one, insulted dozens of others, worked to force millions into unwanted pregnancies, and dumped his first wife into an untended grave on a golf course! Wake up Lara Trump. Then there are the multitude of Maga morons scattered like McDonald's across the nation. These are mostly poor underachievers who proclaim their GOPness while living on government checks and food stamps.They're the most gullible of all because they donate what little they can afford to this supposed billionaire, turn up for his rantfests, credit him with God-like virtues, and remain completely ignorant to the fact that he has always been an atheist as well as  a snob who sees them as the great unwashed and can't wait for the day he takes away their Social Security checks and Medicare benefits. Come on. Admit it. If we weren't in danger of losing everything we hold dear, this parade of brainwashed boobs would be fucking hilarious.

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