Tuesday, June 25, 2024


Just because you're rich and successful doesn't mean you can't still be a highly offensive pile of human excrement. For instance Rupert Murdoch. Basically he's a 93 year old turd who's worth millions and has sired six children. But what has he got to be proud of? Using his money and power to tear America apart, spending millions on worthless traitors like Laura Ingraham, Dana Perino, Jesse Watters, Sean Hannity, and Roger Ailes. Each one of these persons made their money by lying constantly about every aspect of  the United States  of America and constantly vilifying the patriots who are constantly working to keep us a great country. In many eras past they would have been accused of treason and faced a firing squad or had their heads on poles and marched through the streets after being rightly guillotined. Abetting these evil-doers are the shameful staff of Fox, many of whom are not proud to be part of this conspiracy to destroy our democracy. But most guilty are the moronic viewers who tune in every night for their daily shot of propaganda, too stupid to appreciate how much damage they are doing to their home country because they are so pathetically in need of anything that will booster their sense of inadequacy and failure and fulfill their need to violently hate anyone but themselves. And now all these sacks of human waste are dedicated to saddling America with Donald Trump, who amazingly has even outdone them in lies, cruelty, selfishness, stupidity and dedication to bring down one of the world's shining examples of truth and freedom.

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