Thursday, June 13, 2024

Comcast Lost Over 487,000 TV & 

65,000 Internet Customers in 2024. 

That should surprise no one. Comcast is the most user-unfriendly, incompetent company in America. This morning I found I did't have my Comcast e-mail. Instead I had a series of hoops to jump through by their Customer Service recorded voice, who, if it were a real women would have been strangled long ago. Like most companies their goal is to make sure you never make contact with a living person in the United States.  During one of the three marathon phone calls they told me my address was wrong though they have been billing me for  eight years. They insisted I cannot regain e-mail service without having a smart phone. I am guessing my quest to have my e-mail back took me to China, India, and the Philippines with no success.  The latest advice from one of those mush-mouthed far-flung experts is that I go to a Xfinity store in search of my e-mail. If you have a choice, never get Comcast. If you have a problem they will not know how to fix it, or will take forever do so. Since I am 81 and a Luddite, I will have to hire someone to restore my mail. Let me know if you've been a victim of Comcast,

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