Tuesday, June 4, 2024


 Donald Trump could not accept his loss to Joe Biden. It so upset his already teetering sanity that he practically had a nervous breakdown. It so unhinged him that he had to insist he had won, but that the results were rigged. He proclaimed his fake win so often and so ruthlessly that millions of gullible Americans believed him. For some reason - we still don't know what - Republicans subscribed enthusiastically to his madness and surrendered all patriotism and morality to press his lie. Now, considering how that election loss caused this psycho to slip even further into fantasy, does he still have enough sanity left to contemplate what another loss will do to his paper-thin ego. If so, can he weather another crashing defeat, and has he already created an escape plan in the event that he is too afraid to continue with his campaign? Does that escape plan include some screwball plan that would let him can keep all his halfwits' campaign donations? And without their insane Captain Ahab can all his drowning  swabbies still try to bring down what they obsessively see as the great white whale of democracy?

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