Sunday, June 23, 2024


 There are three stooges hoping to become Donald Trump's Vice President: Marco Rubio, 59, J.D.Vance 39, and Doug Burgum 68. All three have been very critical of Trump in the past and rightly saw him as an unhinged and dangerous would-be dictator. So why are they so solidly in his corner now? Easy. Can you think of a faster route to the presidency than to be Vice President to a senile and lazy old fool who somehow survives on a regime of fast food and Diet Coke. And even if his diet and lack of exercise don't do him in, there's always a possibility that one of his many power flights will result in a crash, or he could even fall down a flight of White House stairs. In that lucky event, voila a new president. I have read that Marco Rubio, as early as his arrest at Simpson Park in Miami confessed to his good buddy that he planned to be President. I don't know what lumberjack-look alike J.D. Vance wants but he's willing to lie through his teeth to get it. And Doug Burgum has decided that having $100 million dollars is not enough without presidential power. In the catastrophic event that Trump is able to steal the election one of these VPs may be hitting you over the head with a rubber mallet. Woo woo woo.

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