Saturday, June 22, 2024


It appears there are several new deodorant products on the market recently.They are so-called body deodorants. Supposedly the make any fetid area of the body odor-free But what's disturbing about the commercials promoting them is they seem to focus only on women. In fact I find them offensive in that they more or less promote the idea that women stink. This makes me wonder if these are not deliberately misogynistic promotions following in the steps of the anti-abortion laws. These spots use both black and white women, both self-proclaiming their odorous states and offering more detail that any viewer should want. I am surprised that I have not heard any complaints from women insisting that these products are just as useful for odorous men and that, in fact, the ads themselves are highly exaggerated indictments of anyone who showers regularly. So is this an on-air attack of women or an innocent promotion because women are more likely to buy cosmetic products? What do you think?

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