Wednesday, June 26, 2024


 If you're one of those people who can't decide who to vote for, Biden or Trump, then you must be an idiot. So you can't make up your mind between a convicted felon and rapist who is sure to ruin your life, and a man who has spent his entire career making life better for Americans. Are you one of those morons who whines, "I don't like either of them"? With Biden what's not to like unless you're a completely misinformed dolt?Diabetics everywhere are paying much less for insulin because of Biden. Trump's misinformation cause the deaths of hundreds during Covid. Biden  refuses to pardon his son, Hunter, because he believes in the law. Trump wants to pardon an army of thugs who attacked the Capitol and cause several deaths, because he has no respect for the law.  There are a hundred more examples of why you should admire and respect Biden. But you bitch and whine that Biden is senile, which he isn't. but ignore the fact that Trump is unhinged, which he he is. But what's the point of reasoning with you? You're ignorant, uninformed, unable to reason, and unequipped to vote in a national election, but won't let that stop you. Maybe there's still hope. Stand in front of a mirror and ask yourself, "Do I really want to have a megalomaniac who couldn't care less what I need from life running and ruining the country that never did me wrong?"

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