Thursday, June 27, 2024


I  find it very sad that black business leaders are supposedly supporting Trump. It is always sad to see victims supporting their oppressor. What could these men, all men, possibly see in the treacherous Trump to endorse him? Possibly promises they should know he won't keep. Maybe assurances that he's not the racist he's portrayed, which he is. Or is there something wrong with them? An arrogance that makes them believe they are the rare black man that Trump won't deceive and betray. It's a typical Trump ploy: get a handful of a minority, put them on display, and pretend they represent a large majority, which they don't. Like I said, it's sad seeing victims support their oppressor.

Note: I only learned today from Michael Steele on MSNBC that Trump was supposed to join these men for a "barber shop" meeting, but didn't show up and only called in. So Trump - no follow through. 

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