Friday, June 7, 2024


Hunter Biden's trial, as everyone knows is only a big public deal because a bunch of pissy, prissy, alley-cat Republicans made it so. If he weren't the president's son this trial would still  take place, be resolved and remain of no interest to anyone. But Jim Jordan is so petty and insecure he needs to some hint of nonexistent manhood.  While fast-aging Marjorie Taylor Greene is so unloved and bitter, she's bent on punishing any person who is loved. And little Mike Johnson needs a vindictive plot, any vindictive plot to distract him from running into a men's room and being unCatholic. So while these Maga freeloaders sit around gloating, they can savor Hunter's temporary discomfort. But when the trial is over Hunter still has loving parents, future possibilities, and the freedom of a liberal mind, while his tormentors are stuck with their narrow minds, spiteful fantasies, and the worst possible fate: each other.