Saturday, June 15, 2024


Since the government did away with truth in advertising, there are all kinds of scams running rampant. The most offensive, as I have often stated, is Prevagen. This very costly placebo doesn't offer an iota of benefit. You'd get the same effect with a TicTac. Yet they advertise like crazy using seemingly respectable people who don't mind lying to convince millions of gullible consumers to  pop these useless pills at a cost of over $40.00 a month. The manufacturer is a criminal enterprise, though I doubt they accept that. Another irritating fraud is fabreze. They started out by pretending they remove odors from the air. No such thing. Like every other room deodorant they replace bad odors with sickening sweet odors that linger for hours. The one I sprayed this morning was called Linen and Sky, an absurd name for something that makes you think of neither Linen or Ski, but rather of some over perfumed bordello. I would love it if you told me about a product you think is worthless.

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