Saturday, June 22, 2024


 The most important thing you must remember during this election season is that Donald Trump is a liar. He lies repeatedly, and endlessly. So any promises he makes are certain to be broken. Any improvement he guarantees will never take place. Even his vow to pardon the jailed insurrectionists is unlikely to occur if it's too much paperwork or interferes with a TV show. He's certain to tell whomever he chooses for vice president a pack of lies, (not that anyone desirous of the evil position deserves more). Keep in mind there are millions of victims of his lies all over America, working class people whom he has cheated out of fair compensation, whom he has forced into hiring expensive lawyers for lost causes, who were the recipients of his countless "screw yous". If Trump is talking, he's lying. And not just to you, but to all his gullible supporters from the lowly farm hand to the should-know-better Squeaker of the House.

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