Sunday, June 16, 2024

I keep harping on this subject, because I can't understand it.  I can't reason why so many Republicans who were normal years back are suddenly traitors to the country they promised to be loyal. Why would a whole group of men and women put their trust in a person who they know is a liar, who would betray them at the first opportunity? Why would their good lives, full of perks, not be good enough? Why would they risk following an obvious crackpot  into a  completely different future that is certain to provide less freedom and happiness for their spouses and children? It can't be what it appears. Why would Republicans shed all morality and judgement while Democrats remain the same?  Could Trump be able to blackmail so many people at once? Why is their adoration of him so unnatural, so unshakeable, so cultish? He is not attractive, not learned, not lovable, not anything that attracts others. Why are so many narcissists like Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, and the two shrews, willing t subjugate their egos to worship him?Why?  And what can these beyond-common Americans who attend his rallies find inspiring in his negative rantings and repetitive whines? Why would they send what little money they have to someone who claims to be a billionaire? And why is the media not more horrified by a mental case who vows to not only to control all news but murder those newscasters who have spoken against him?  This creature, this Trump, cannot possibly be what he appears. If he had a stroke and died tomorrow, would his passing be like that of the Wicked Witch of the West? Would all his minions suddenly breathe a sigh of relief and return to their lives of kindness and patriotism?

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