Wednesday, June 12, 2024


Was just watching MSNBC around 1pm. Are you  the ignorant harpy in the red dress that referred to "The Biden Crime Family"? How can you be so bitchy and stupid at the same time? There is no Biden Crime Family. But I guess you're so worthless that you're titillated by your lie. There is a Hunter Biden who committed minor crimes, and then there are useless reporters like you who add to their story because they are too moronic to deal with facts. There is, of course, a Trump Crime Family, but you will never mention that because you are not moral or honest and can only deal in innuendos and attacks. At least you would have abundant facts to support that accusation. Yes, it bothers me that you are such a mean liar, but what bothers me more is how MSNBC seems to be on the wrong side of the fence so often. Are ratings so important to them that they would sacrifice America's future so they could air a few tasty lies?

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