Monday, June 17, 2024


 More and more I am encouraged that Trump will fail miserably in the coming election for several reasons. One is he is ridiculous. I mean he's an overweight, under-educated lunatic who prances onto the public scene coiffed and painted orange. He has no control of his speech or his bowels, and both could betray hm at any moment. The people he surrounds himself are also ridiculous. Steve Bannon is a 70 year old blowhard who looks like a homeless bagman. All that comes out of his mouth is anger and revenge. His many supporters are all wackos in one way or another. Marjorie Taylor Greene is steps away from an asylum. Matt Gaetz and his boyfriend Jim Jordan are like giggling school girls with a crush on the world's oldest football hero. Marco Rubio has moved heaven and earth to keep his secret of Simpson Park. In short all Trump's positioned allies are damaged creatures completely lacking any admirable quality that spells success come November. By the time they are ready to begin their campaign of lies and smears and absurd conspiracies, their evil intentions will be obvious to everyone. And when that time comes, their hero will have lost even more control of his brain, and his Depends will be far, far, far less dependable. 

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