Thursday, June 20, 2024


Our country got a lot more livable when Americans could admit who they are. Millions of gay men and woman came out of the closet, created new laws, even same sex marriage, and began living open and happier lives. There were still ignorant, uptight bigots, of course, but most Americans accepted the new standard of acceptance. Now I think it's time for another group to come out of the shadows and admit who they are: atheists. We are living in an age of Christian bullying. Anti-abortion is nothing more than uptight Christians telling women how to live their lives based on a false precept they got from the Bible. Louisiana just mandated that every public schoolroom should display The Ten Commandments, another giant step in Christian suppression Studies have shown that America is becoming an increasingly non-religious country, but most people won't admit it. What intelligent person today believes there is an invisible person in the sky who knows what everyone is doing every minute of the day. Only those most brainwashed in their youth. Announce yourself. Demand recognition. Don't let yourself by bullied by superstition and magical thinking. Republican legislators couldn't attempt to pass these idiotic laws if they knew how many atheists or non-religious voters there are in America.  Our country has room for lots of beliefs but no room for bullying.  It's time to make room for those whose only belief is in science and proven fact. 

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