Monday, June 3, 2024


Since Trump's 34 felony convictions, he is bragging that he has generated over 70 million dollars in small donations to the GOP for his campaign. That's pretty impressive until you remember that Trump lies constantly about everything. So while he has probably made some money on his crimes, it is likely far less than he is crowing about. And if it were true, what would that mean? It would mean that millions of Americans are so un-American that they are backing an admitted dictator; and so stupid that they are pledging their hard-earned money to a charlatan who claims he is a billionaire. So basically they are financing their own future loss of freedom, suppression of their rights, domination of their children, and their ability to live in a democracy. They have decided to cede their free will to a decrepit old man of questionable finances and nonexistent morals in the mistaken belief that he will be as great a president as he was in the past. All this worship while being unaware of or not accepting the fact that he was a horrible useless president who spent his days watching TV, sitting on his gold toilet, appointing incompetents to positions of authority, putting children in cages, making wealthy people super-rich, cheating at endless golf games, sentencing thousands to die by his ignorance of Covid, giving family members high-paying and authoritative positions for which they were unqualified, and when Covid prevented him from contact with the people he claimed to admire, he said, "Great. I hated having to shake their hands."

P.S.What's really disturbing is the media, including the liberal media, reports every claim he makes as if it were true. Today even MSNBC kissed the GOP's ass by referring to Hunter Biden's gun trial "historic"which is an absurd exaggeration.

1 comment:

  1. Truer words were never spoken! The problem as I see it , is the folks who need to see this never will. My personal experience with those who follow this demon is they are totally incapable of critical thinking. Everything is a conspiracy and a veil comes over their eyes that says "do not confuse me with logic". I am afraid when they do realize who he is it will be too late. I am glad that someone like you speaks out!!!
