Friday, June 28, 2024


Here's what I consider the most important takeaway from last night's debate that every American should consider. Joe Biden did a lousy job. He stumbled and stuttered, was often incoherent, lost track of his thoughts and often seemed senile. And when the debate was over all his supporters admitted that he did a lousy job and listed all the reasons. Why? Because Democrats respect the truth and made no attempt to sugar coat a lame appearance.

On the other hand Trump seemed strong at moments, but told lie after lie. (Over 30 lies according to this morning's tally.) In addition to his lies, he resorted to his usual petty personal attacks on both Biden and our nation. And when the debate was over, all his supporters cheered him as the winner of the debate without ever suggesting that most of his "victory: was based on lies, malice, and petulance. Why? Because Republicans do not respect truth or character and only care about winning and power.

So regardless of how badly Biden did last night you, the American voter, are faced with the same choice, the only choice. Do you want your country under the control of a power-hungry autocrat and his despicable minions who will never tell you the truth? Or. do you want a government firmly held in the truthful hands of the Democratic Party? 

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