Tuesday, June 11, 2024


Remember when we used to admire and respect the Supreme Court? Those days are over. Today the Supreme Court is mostly composed of Republicans without standard, ethics and patriotism. Two of the most narrow-minded justices Alito and Thomas are both married to bigoted, anti-gay harridans and more than likely share their anti-American wives views. America was wisely founded on the separation of church. and state, but the right-leaning Catholics on the court want to change that. They even imposed anti-abortionism for religious reasons that aren't even in the Bible. In the meantime Alito and Thomas refuse to recuse themselves from questionable cases, but Thomas doesn't plan to give up his freeloading from his supposed "friend" who I doubt would even speak to him if he weren't in his pocket. So while we, the American people, anticipate one biased pro-Christian decision after another, Virginia Thomas will be pushing her considerable weight towards another insurrection, Martha Alito will be fretting with hate about the Gay Pride flag across the bay from her upside-down flagged home, and the three democrats on the court will sit in ineffective frustration about the continued chaotic corruption of a once-admirable court.

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