Saturday, June 22, 2024


Have you noticed that all these uptight, prudish, mostly elderly males never suggest that it should be illegal for men to get vasectomies.  After all a vasectomy prevents at least one sperm in every ejaculation from fertilizing an egg. Depending on how virile a guy is that's a lot of out-of-luck babies. Consider all the guys with vasectomies and you have millions of babies who never get a chance to live. And that's not even counting the zillions of abortions created daily from masturbation. But oddly Republicans only fret over the possible babies in women's bodies. The babies that men deny life are not worth considering, proving just how hypocritical and misogynistic these GOP assholes are. Add in the magical thinking religious zealots and arguments for anti-abortion becomes even weaker.  When you consider that with each ejaculation 200 to 300 million sperm are released, it would seem that even God doesn't really give a shit if a legion of possible persons ever gets to the finish line. 

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