Sunday, June 2, 2024


If you're one of the sycophantic Republicans or Magists who is kissing Trump's enormous butt (there's room for all) in hopes of getting a position in his cabinet, consider this. What are you going to do if he is elected and he does choose you for Vice President or some other role? Will you immediately cater to his urgent need for revenge, his desire to end "giveaways" like Social Security (try explaining that to your parents)? Will you approve of his vindictive confining of major news reporters? And if you do will your spouse and children still look at you with respect, or don't you care? And how will you respond when the old man starts to show more signs of senility, more expressions of narcissism, and a greater dissatisfaction with you (just as he does with everyone)? . Keep in mind, your life won't be your own, your every move will be under surveillance, your every act designed to please only one arrogant and demanding person. That's when you will ask yourself, "What was I thinking? What have I done?"

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