Saturday, June 29, 2024


Pretend you have this book on your home shelf. It's called Donald Trump's Lies, a partial collection.  The first thing you'll notice is that it's bigger than any of your other books. It's bigger than Bartlett's Quotations, Gone With the Wind, and The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Open it and you'll be surprised at how small the type is. It has to be 6 point to contain all the thousands of falsehoods, fibs, and blatant untruths of America's most prolific liar. And keep in mind this is a partial collection. Since the day it was published Donald Trump has been telling thousands of new lies, most bringing with them significant consequences of bills unpaid, promises unkept, lives unsettled. Let us hope that this book is only a disturbing reminder of a sick and evil man who tried to kidnap and murder our democracy and not a volume published before he achieved his goal. In which case you have in your possession a book that could land you in a prison camp or worse.

Friday, June 28, 2024


Here's what I consider the most important takeaway from last night's debate that every American should consider. Joe Biden did a lousy job. He stumbled and stuttered, was often incoherent, lost track of his thoughts and often seemed senile. And when the debate was over all his supporters admitted that he did a lousy job and listed all the reasons. Why? Because Democrats respect the truth and made no attempt to sugar coat a lame appearance.

On the other hand Trump seemed strong at moments, but told lie after lie. (Over 30 lies according to this morning's tally.) In addition to his lies, he resorted to his usual petty personal attacks on both Biden and our nation. And when the debate was over, all his supporters cheered him as the winner of the debate without ever suggesting that most of his "victory: was based on lies, malice, and petulance. Why? Because Republicans do not respect truth or character and only care about winning and power.

So regardless of how badly Biden did last night you, the American voter, are faced with the same choice, the only choice. Do you want your country under the control of a power-hungry autocrat and his despicable minions who will never tell you the truth? Or. do you want a government firmly held in the truthful hands of the Democratic Party? 

Thursday, June 27, 2024


I  find it very sad that black business leaders are supposedly supporting Trump. It is always sad to see victims supporting their oppressor. What could these men, all men, possibly see in the treacherous Trump to endorse him? Possibly promises they should know he won't keep. Maybe assurances that he's not the racist he's portrayed, which he is. Or is there something wrong with them? An arrogance that makes them believe they are the rare black man that Trump won't deceive and betray. It's a typical Trump ploy: get a handful of a minority, put them on display, and pretend they represent a large majority, which they don't. Like I said, it's sad seeing victims support their oppressor.

Note: I only learned today from Michael Steele on MSNBC that Trump was supposed to join these men for a "barber shop" meeting, but didn't show up and only called in. So Trump - no follow through. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


 If you're one of those people who can't decide who to vote for, Biden or Trump, then you must be an idiot. So you can't make up your mind between a convicted felon and rapist who is sure to ruin your life, and a man who has spent his entire career making life better for Americans. Are you one of those morons who whines, "I don't like either of them"? With Biden what's not to like unless you're a completely misinformed dolt?Diabetics everywhere are paying much less for insulin because of Biden. Trump's misinformation cause the deaths of hundreds during Covid. Biden  refuses to pardon his son, Hunter, because he believes in the law. Trump wants to pardon an army of thugs who attacked the Capitol and cause several deaths, because he has no respect for the law.  There are a hundred more examples of why you should admire and respect Biden. But you bitch and whine that Biden is senile, which he isn't. but ignore the fact that Trump is unhinged, which he he is. But what's the point of reasoning with you? You're ignorant, uninformed, unable to reason, and unequipped to vote in a national election, but won't let that stop you. Maybe there's still hope. Stand in front of a mirror and ask yourself, "Do I really want to have a megalomaniac who couldn't care less what I need from life running and ruining the country that never did me wrong?"

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


Just because you're rich and successful doesn't mean you can't still be a highly offensive pile of human excrement. For instance Rupert Murdoch. Basically he's a 93 year old turd who's worth millions and has sired six children. But what has he got to be proud of? Using his money and power to tear America apart, spending millions on worthless traitors like Laura Ingraham, Dana Perino, Jesse Watters, Sean Hannity, and Roger Ailes. Each one of these persons made their money by lying constantly about every aspect of  the United States  of America and constantly vilifying the patriots who are constantly working to keep us a great country. In many eras past they would have been accused of treason and faced a firing squad or had their heads on poles and marched through the streets after being rightly guillotined. Abetting these evil-doers are the shameful staff of Fox, many of whom are not proud to be part of this conspiracy to destroy our democracy. But most guilty are the moronic viewers who tune in every night for their daily shot of propaganda, too stupid to appreciate how much damage they are doing to their home country because they are so pathetically in need of anything that will booster their sense of inadequacy and failure and fulfill their need to violently hate anyone but themselves. And now all these sacks of human waste are dedicated to saddling America with Donald Trump, who amazingly has even outdone them in lies, cruelty, selfishness, stupidity and dedication to bring down one of the world's shining examples of truth and freedom.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

There are approximately 4.45 million Muslims in the United States. Possibly many more than that since that figure was compiled in 2017. That means that the moronic governor of Louisiana, Jeff Landry  spat in the face of millions of Muslims with his arrogant mandate to put the Ten Commandments in every schoolroom in Louisiana. This is America. There is no national religion. Our founding fathers wisely kept church and state separate and it has worked out swell until Christian bullies became so insecure in their own religion they started to force it on everyone else. Why the hell should Muslim children sit in classrooms bulldogged with a Christian rule book.? They shouldn't. Why should any religion other than Christian accept the precepts of Biblical proselytizers? " Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy"? Why should I? "Honor thy father and thy mother"? Not if they're cruel or miserable parents. Keep your own rules and mind your own business. We've seen enough examples of evil Christianity to keep it out of public circulation, from dramas like Night of the Hunter to hundreds of real life crimes from Bible-thumping zealots to corrupt preachers everywhere. Get a copy of Freedom from Religion and check out Black Collar Crime the monthly listing about the criminal activities of  the supposedly moral trendsetters. The Constitution had it right from day one. We don't need a judgmental jerk like Jeff Landry to try too make his own holier-than-thou morals the law of the land.


 There are three stooges hoping to become Donald Trump's Vice President: Marco Rubio, 59, J.D.Vance 39, and Doug Burgum 68. All three have been very critical of Trump in the past and rightly saw him as an unhinged and dangerous would-be dictator. So why are they so solidly in his corner now? Easy. Can you think of a faster route to the presidency than to be Vice President to a senile and lazy old fool who somehow survives on a regime of fast food and Diet Coke. And even if his diet and lack of exercise don't do him in, there's always a possibility that one of his many power flights will result in a crash, or he could even fall down a flight of White House stairs. In that lucky event, voila a new president. I have read that Marco Rubio, as early as his arrest at Simpson Park in Miami confessed to his good buddy that he planned to be President. I don't know what lumberjack-look alike J.D. Vance wants but he's willing to lie through his teeth to get it. And Doug Burgum has decided that having $100 million dollars is not enough without presidential power. In the catastrophic event that Trump is able to steal the election one of these VPs may be hitting you over the head with a rubber mallet. Woo woo woo.

Saturday, June 22, 2024


Have you noticed that all these uptight, prudish, mostly elderly males never suggest that it should be illegal for men to get vasectomies.  After all a vasectomy prevents at least one sperm in every ejaculation from fertilizing an egg. Depending on how virile a guy is that's a lot of out-of-luck babies. Consider all the guys with vasectomies and you have millions of babies who never get a chance to live. And that's not even counting the zillions of abortions created daily from masturbation. But oddly Republicans only fret over the possible babies in women's bodies. The babies that men deny life are not worth considering, proving just how hypocritical and misogynistic these GOP assholes are. Add in the magical thinking religious zealots and arguments for anti-abortion becomes even weaker.  When you consider that with each ejaculation 200 to 300 million sperm are released, it would seem that even God doesn't really give a shit if a legion of possible persons ever gets to the finish line. 


 The most important thing you must remember during this election season is that Donald Trump is a liar. He lies repeatedly, and endlessly. So any promises he makes are certain to be broken. Any improvement he guarantees will never take place. Even his vow to pardon the jailed insurrectionists is unlikely to occur if it's too much paperwork or interferes with a TV show. He's certain to tell whomever he chooses for vice president a pack of lies, (not that anyone desirous of the evil position deserves more). Keep in mind there are millions of victims of his lies all over America, working class people whom he has cheated out of fair compensation, whom he has forced into hiring expensive lawyers for lost causes, who were the recipients of his countless "screw yous". If Trump is talking, he's lying. And not just to you, but to all his gullible supporters from the lowly farm hand to the should-know-better Squeaker of the House.


It appears there are several new deodorant products on the market recently.They are so-called body deodorants. Supposedly the make any fetid area of the body odor-free But what's disturbing about the commercials promoting them is they seem to focus only on women. In fact I find them offensive in that they more or less promote the idea that women stink. This makes me wonder if these are not deliberately misogynistic promotions following in the steps of the anti-abortion laws. These spots use both black and white women, both self-proclaiming their odorous states and offering more detail that any viewer should want. I am surprised that I have not heard any complaints from women insisting that these products are just as useful for odorous men and that, in fact, the ads themselves are highly exaggerated indictments of anyone who showers regularly. So is this an on-air attack of women or an innocent promotion because women are more likely to buy cosmetic products? What do you think?

Thursday, June 20, 2024


Our country got a lot more livable when Americans could admit who they are. Millions of gay men and woman came out of the closet, created new laws, even same sex marriage, and began living open and happier lives. There were still ignorant, uptight bigots, of course, but most Americans accepted the new standard of acceptance. Now I think it's time for another group to come out of the shadows and admit who they are: atheists. We are living in an age of Christian bullying. Anti-abortion is nothing more than uptight Christians telling women how to live their lives based on a false precept they got from the Bible. Louisiana just mandated that every public schoolroom should display The Ten Commandments, another giant step in Christian suppression Studies have shown that America is becoming an increasingly non-religious country, but most people won't admit it. What intelligent person today believes there is an invisible person in the sky who knows what everyone is doing every minute of the day. Only those most brainwashed in their youth. Announce yourself. Demand recognition. Don't let yourself by bullied by superstition and magical thinking. Republican legislators couldn't attempt to pass these idiotic laws if they knew how many atheists or non-religious voters there are in America.  Our country has room for lots of beliefs but no room for bullying.  It's time to make room for those whose only belief is in science and proven fact. 


 Jeff Landry, the Governor or Louisiana, just announced to the state's 4 and half million citizens that he's a moron. First of all he is defying our Constitution by mandating that the Ten Commandments be displayed in every classroom of every school. In short he wants Louisiana to be a Christian state, ignoring every other religion and atheists like me. Plus even if it wasn't stupid, which it is, do fifth graders have to know not to commit adultery? And does he plan to keep the Sabbath holy? And since it forbids any idols, will his Christian militia destroy all Buddas, crucifixes, and Barbie dolls. And, seeing as he is so moral, will he ban Mardi Gras and the rampant sex that occurs all over his promiscuous city? And ignoring all else, does Landry really believe in 2024 that there is an invisible man in the sky somewhere who keeps an eye on every person on earth and has actually mandated these ten rigid rules, with special attention to his own ego. And does Landry's own enormous ego tell him he has the right to ignore America's Constitution, the various religions in his state, and the long held separation of church and state because his is a moralistic prude who honors his own prosletysing past over that of any citizen in his state? Why are Christians so insecure in their religious beliefs that they are constantly strong-arming others to agree with them.?  And I thought Ron DeSantis was the most prudish, uptight governor in America.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


 I see where Dodge Hornet finally realized how irresponsible they were to show a tweenager speeding on the highway in one of their cars. They redid the  pretentiously named "inner child" commercial replacing the irritating tattooed kid with an adult in the driver's seat. (though they still had the kid in the driver's seat at the opening.) I guess they were too cheap to do the whole spot over. Oh, well. At least they realized their error, which they never should have made in the first place. 


 Donald before you get all wrapped up in your lies and propaganda, I have a few hints for you. One, don't use the American flag in your ads. Since you are anti-democracy, you have no rights to any flag images.You'll have to come up with some symbol for your autocracy...maybe skull and crossbones. Also don't have any women as endorsers.Everyone will see right through that since you have made women second-class citizens or worse. You can try having blacks in a spot or two, but it will ring false since the Democrats will run lots of your racist comments. Best if you play it safe and only have white men. Pity you don't have any celebrities on your side. Is that country singer still alive? Also be careful about mispronunciations and malapropisms. (Look it up.) Try to avoid foaming at the mouth, and change your suit every few days, making sure the fly is in front. If you can try to lose fifty pounds before September and make sure your pancake makeup is below the collar. I think that's about it. I'd wish you luck but I'm looking forward to ever blunder you make. 

Monday, June 17, 2024


I wonder what excuse Trump will use to get out of this week's debate.  He's such a sick fuck, it wouldn't surprise me if he had Melania murdered so he could say he was too busy mourning.  I wonder if there will be one crack in the Republican Party. Will just one patriot, male or female, turn on this party of traitors in defense of democracy, the Constitution, and decency. I still don't think it's possible for every member of the party to spit in the face of our great and generous nation. Particularly those who swear to be Christians since there is no aspect of Trumpism that comes anywhere near close to Christianity. 


 More and more I am encouraged that Trump will fail miserably in the coming election for several reasons. One is he is ridiculous. I mean he's an overweight, under-educated lunatic who prances onto the public scene coiffed and painted orange. He has no control of his speech or his bowels, and both could betray hm at any moment. The people he surrounds himself are also ridiculous. Steve Bannon is a 70 year old blowhard who looks like a homeless bagman. All that comes out of his mouth is anger and revenge. His many supporters are all wackos in one way or another. Marjorie Taylor Greene is steps away from an asylum. Matt Gaetz and his boyfriend Jim Jordan are like giggling school girls with a crush on the world's oldest football hero. Marco Rubio has moved heaven and earth to keep his secret of Simpson Park. In short all Trump's positioned allies are damaged creatures completely lacking any admirable quality that spells success come November. By the time they are ready to begin their campaign of lies and smears and absurd conspiracies, their evil intentions will be obvious to everyone. And when that time comes, their hero will have lost even more control of his brain, and his Depends will be far, far, far less dependable. 

There are two reasons I cannot understand the success of today's Broadway. One is the high cost of tickets. Unless one has lots of expendable income, I can't see spending $100 or more for two hours of entertainment. The second reason is the low quality of Broadway shows. Last night's Tony show opened with a scene from Hell's Kitchen, a loud, screaming, hysterical mess in which the cliched dance steps while well-performed were boring. Despite this the audience was ecstatic with support and fake enthusiasm. The rest of the show was no better. As much as I love Merrily We Roll Along the scene they chose was weak. The only musical scene I thought was good was Water for Elephants in which the skimpy scenery at least offered some innovative choreography. The winners for the most part gave syrupy overlong speeches, full of love for everyone and the full confidence that they had done the world a favor. The best musical went to The Outsiders, yet another movie moved to the Broadway stage to become the darling of the day before being forgotten everywhere but some small theater in Nebraska.  Sorry, but I feel Broadway is a shadow of its former greatness, a collection of over-produced, over-hyped plays and musicals more interested in massaging egos than touching heartstrings.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

I keep harping on this subject, because I can't understand it.  I can't reason why so many Republicans who were normal years back are suddenly traitors to the country they promised to be loyal. Why would a whole group of men and women put their trust in a person who they know is a liar, who would betray them at the first opportunity? Why would their good lives, full of perks, not be good enough? Why would they risk following an obvious crackpot  into a  completely different future that is certain to provide less freedom and happiness for their spouses and children? It can't be what it appears. Why would Republicans shed all morality and judgement while Democrats remain the same?  Could Trump be able to blackmail so many people at once? Why is their adoration of him so unnatural, so unshakeable, so cultish? He is not attractive, not learned, not lovable, not anything that attracts others. Why are so many narcissists like Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, and the two shrews, willing t subjugate their egos to worship him?Why?  And what can these beyond-common Americans who attend his rallies find inspiring in his negative rantings and repetitive whines? Why would they send what little money they have to someone who claims to be a billionaire? And why is the media not more horrified by a mental case who vows to not only to control all news but murder those newscasters who have spoken against him?  This creature, this Trump, cannot possibly be what he appears. If he had a stroke and died tomorrow, would his passing be like that of the Wicked Witch of the West? Would all his minions suddenly breathe a sigh of relief and return to their lives of kindness and patriotism?

Saturday, June 15, 2024


Since the government did away with truth in advertising, there are all kinds of scams running rampant. The most offensive, as I have often stated, is Prevagen. This very costly placebo doesn't offer an iota of benefit. You'd get the same effect with a TicTac. Yet they advertise like crazy using seemingly respectable people who don't mind lying to convince millions of gullible consumers to  pop these useless pills at a cost of over $40.00 a month. The manufacturer is a criminal enterprise, though I doubt they accept that. Another irritating fraud is fabreze. They started out by pretending they remove odors from the air. No such thing. Like every other room deodorant they replace bad odors with sickening sweet odors that linger for hours. The one I sprayed this morning was called Linen and Sky, an absurd name for something that makes you think of neither Linen or Ski, but rather of some over perfumed bordello. I would love it if you told me about a product you think is worthless.

Friday, June 14, 2024


Have you heard. The Supreme Court - at least the Republicans - has overturned the ban on bump stock making it possible for more mentally ill Americans to kill more innocent victims including children. It seems the case was filed by some bloodthirsty capitalist who doesn't give a fuck who dies if he can have a larger profit margin. Justice Thomas was a big supporter of bringing back the technology which was last seen in the shooting deaths of 158 party-goers in Las Vegas. So if you thought Thomas even had a hint of a heart, forget it. Pretty soon now the nightly news will carry stories about unsuspecting people dying from the carnage of bump stock guns.  Most people will be shocked, horrified, heartsick, unable to understand why a gun designed for battle is used on our nation's streets.  Not the Republicans. Their first thought will be, "How can we prevent this inconvenient new slaughter from spoiling our gun laws."

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Comcast Lost Over 487,000 TV & 

65,000 Internet Customers in 2024. 

That should surprise no one. Comcast is the most user-unfriendly, incompetent company in America. This morning I found I did't have my Comcast e-mail. Instead I had a series of hoops to jump through by their Customer Service recorded voice, who, if it were a real women would have been strangled long ago. Like most companies their goal is to make sure you never make contact with a living person in the United States.  During one of the three marathon phone calls they told me my address was wrong though they have been billing me for  eight years. They insisted I cannot regain e-mail service without having a smart phone. I am guessing my quest to have my e-mail back took me to China, India, and the Philippines with no success.  The latest advice from one of those mush-mouthed far-flung experts is that I go to a Xfinity store in search of my e-mail. If you have a choice, never get Comcast. If you have a problem they will not know how to fix it, or will take forever do so. Since I am 81 and a Luddite, I will have to hire someone to restore my mail. Let me know if you've been a victim of Comcast,

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


Was just watching MSNBC around 1pm. Are you  the ignorant harpy in the red dress that referred to "The Biden Crime Family"? How can you be so bitchy and stupid at the same time? There is no Biden Crime Family. But I guess you're so worthless that you're titillated by your lie. There is a Hunter Biden who committed minor crimes, and then there are useless reporters like you who add to their story because they are too moronic to deal with facts. There is, of course, a Trump Crime Family, but you will never mention that because you are not moral or honest and can only deal in innuendos and attacks. At least you would have abundant facts to support that accusation. Yes, it bothers me that you are such a mean liar, but what bothers me more is how MSNBC seems to be on the wrong side of the fence so often. Are ratings so important to them that they would sacrifice America's future so they could air a few tasty lies?


 Republicans are creepy these days. They're like zombies, the walking dead. Certainly they're like the pod results in the original Invasion of the Body Snatchers. They have no sense of humor. They're stiff, driven, angry.  They're very vindictive, in a robotic way. They're cliquish and cling to each other as if for blood transfusions. And you have to admit their love of Trump is creepy: I mean a fat old man who is often incoherent is their idol. They have a devotion for this lazy angel-haired goofball that they don't reserve for their fathers. Most of them are not gay, but their attachment to each other seems suspicious as does their hatred of women (why punish them so severely?). You never hear of a twerp like Johnson having an affair with a woman, but he seems attached to little Jim Jordan as does Matt Gaetz, And  the results are still not in for Marco. But look at these guys. Do you ever hear a hearty laugh. No.They're always plotting and conniving, doing everything but giggle, seeing who they can get in trouble or before a committee. That's not normal behavior. Letting a unhinged old men govern your lives isn't normal behavior. And swearing to uphold the Constitution and then turning your back on the country that supported you is not - definitely not - normal behavior. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


Remember when we used to admire and respect the Supreme Court? Those days are over. Today the Supreme Court is mostly composed of Republicans without standard, ethics and patriotism. Two of the most narrow-minded justices Alito and Thomas are both married to bigoted, anti-gay harridans and more than likely share their anti-American wives views. America was wisely founded on the separation of church. and state, but the right-leaning Catholics on the court want to change that. They even imposed anti-abortionism for religious reasons that aren't even in the Bible. In the meantime Alito and Thomas refuse to recuse themselves from questionable cases, but Thomas doesn't plan to give up his freeloading from his supposed "friend" who I doubt would even speak to him if he weren't in his pocket. So while we, the American people, anticipate one biased pro-Christian decision after another, Virginia Thomas will be pushing her considerable weight towards another insurrection, Martha Alito will be fretting with hate about the Gay Pride flag across the bay from her upside-down flagged home, and the three democrats on the court will sit in ineffective frustration about the continued chaotic corruption of a once-admirable court.


 House worm Mike Johnson is planning to meet with Donald Trump at Mara Lago on June 17. Johnson has never made his adoration of Trump a secret. Which means, of course, that he is opposed to our democracy, opposed to women having control over their own bodies, opposed to any kind of birth control, and certainly opposed to pornography which terrifies this little prude.  Not so timid about sexuality is his boyfriend in the destruction of the legal system, Jim Jordan who probably has witnessed more than one one-on-one sexual encounter between two males though he denies it. What do you suppose makes these two relatively successful though undeserving dweebs so hate the country that gave them so many breaks. (Being anti-American, they are basically stealing their pay checks.) And what makes them so worship the monster out to destroy that supportive democracy? With little Jimmy Jordan it's probably a Napoleon complex, but I suspect there's  far more of a maze of problems with Johnson from sexual frustrations to Bible boogeymen to clinging to Trump as a stern father image or maybe a grandfather image. But let's face it, all kinds of  weirdos are running rampant in the Republican Party. Mike Johnson is just another prissy version of Ron DeSantis. Jordan is a male version of Marjorie Taylor Greene. What a mess the GOP is. Dear me, what's to become of them. 

Monday, June 10, 2024


This petulant, righteous, prudish, racist, anti-gay Supreme Court justice bases his decision on a centuries old bookful of rules he thinks was dictated by an invisible man in the sky who actually cares about who sleeps with whom and is watching every one of the estimated 8,019,876,189 on earth every minute of every day. The guy Samuel Alito consults is so loving he will welcome you into Heaven if you follow every rule and so cruel he will condemn you to Hell if you step out of line.  I mean should a superstitious man with that kind of magical thinking who can't even get his wife to take down an upside-down flag really make rules for over 300 million Americans? 


The post following this is nothing short of pathetic. But this post is pretty sad, too, considering it was written on December 16, 2011. Which only goes to show, this is a continuing problem.

Now play close attention. I like writing this blog and god knows I have a million opinions on everything. (Like god should be in lower case if you're an atheist, which I am.) But I am beginning to feel a bit foolish because I am getting so few hits. This is becoming more of a journal than a blog. So, here's where you come in. For starters nobody seems to write any responses other than my much-admired other blogger My Cats are Democrats which you should be reading regularly because it's absolutely brilliant and makes my blog seem pathetically immature and petulant. Despite that, if you enjoy my mostly cranky blog, I'd like you to recommend it to your friends, or your enemies. Even if you don't enjoy it, recommend it. Now there's no sense in recommending it to Republicans because I detest them and it's obvious. But Democrats or Independents will find lots to like. If you have any friends in advertising, give them the address. In fact, give it to lots of people. Write it on rest room walls. Slip the address into a pile of slacks when you're shopping. I don't care how you get the word out, just do it. Otherwise I will have to write one of those tear-jerking, "This is my last post" posts and none of us want that. Do we?


I  find it completely unlikely that I could have written thousands of posts on my Cranky blog    over the  years, and gotten less than a dozen comments Surely someone must have agreed with me about something, or been so offended they couldn't wait to  upper-case yell at me.  Since I refuse to take responsibility for this situation, I am guessing the problem is that stupid "no comments"line. Those ill-used words would suggest that comments are not welcome. But they are. So please someone, anyone, click on "no comments" and rant away. Then I'll know there is someone out there.


If one stops for a moment concentrating on the danger of Trump and his minions, one can see how hilarious it is.  For instance, he has all these black men trying to curry favor. Are they stupid? Trump has made it abundantly clear that he is a racist. He only panders to those black men to win votes and gain money. If he is elected, their days are numbered. Equally stupid are the ass-kissing Republicans on the Supreme Court. Trump makes all rules, all decisions — he won't need interfering justices to tell him what to do. Nobody tells him wha to do. Dumbest of all are any women in his cult. Hasn't he proven clearly enough how much he hates women? He has raped one, insulted dozens of others, worked to force millions into unwanted pregnancies, and dumped his first wife into an untended grave on a golf course! Wake up Lara Trump. Then there are the multitude of Maga morons scattered like McDonald's across the nation. These are mostly poor underachievers who proclaim their GOPness while living on government checks and food stamps.They're the most gullible of all because they donate what little they can afford to this supposed billionaire, turn up for his rantfests, credit him with God-like virtues, and remain completely ignorant to the fact that he has always been an atheist as well as  a snob who sees them as the great unwashed and can't wait for the day he takes away their Social Security checks and Medicare benefits. Come on. Admit it. If we weren't in danger of losing everything we hold dear, this parade of brainwashed boobs would be fucking hilarious.

Sunday, June 9, 2024



One of the most repulsive snakes in America today is the Tom Cotton. This geek-necked creature isn't terribly venomous because it's so weak. Still it is a nuisance because it is always trying to be relevant and failing miserably. Rather than ever being a force, it will always be just a snake in the grass. Presently it is hissing nonsense suggesting our excellent president Biden should be removed and replaced by the incontinent and incompetent dictator Trump. Talking such utter nonsense, one can only be amused at how near-brainless this creature is and wonder if,when our President is reelected, this pathetic reptile will quietly slither away. 

Saturday, June 8, 2024


Before more precious time goes by, I would recommend to every literate American that they go to their local library, bookstore or on-line source and get a copy of, It Can't Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis.  It is a cautionary tale about the fragility of democracy, an alarming look at how fascism could take hold in America. Though it was first published in 1935, is is a terrifying portrayal of what is happening now. Use this book to educate and arm yourself so that you can prevent the nightmare of this kind of revolution from happening here. It Can't Happen Here is as timely as today's news. Read it before the November election and you can't say you weren't warned.


Unfortunately we all know someone who is a Trump fan. If they are not already totally beyond any ability to think clearly and reason, try asking them this question.

Do you, like Trump, think that all the service men and women who died in battle or were permanenttly disabled from combat are suckers and losers?

Their answer should tell you how severely brainwashed they are.

Friday, June 7, 2024

President Biden was in France this week to commemorate D-Day. He, along with other true leaders,  honored in person the servicemen living and dead, who went to battle that historic day. Looking at the cliffs, the sea, the pill boxes, the world is grateful to the men who gave their lives on that terrifying day.  President Biden was somber and obviously moved by being in these towns, on these beaches , in the very. place where so many patriots gave their lives.. Trump calls those who died suckers and losers. What can you expect from a coward so unwilling to defend his country he faked a malady to hide safely home?  Of course others avoided serving in World War II, but I doubt if any would be so low and loathsome to call those who saved America anything but heroes and patriots. If such people exist, they would be the Maga cultists who don't seem to be bothered by Trump's lack of respect for those dead soldiers and gratitude to them for making out present freedom possible.


Hunter Biden's trial, as everyone knows is only a big public deal because a bunch of pissy, prissy, alley-cat Republicans made it so. If he weren't the president's son this trial would still  take place, be resolved and remain of no interest to anyone. But Jim Jordan is so petty and insecure he needs to some hint of nonexistent manhood.  While fast-aging Marjorie Taylor Greene is so unloved and bitter, she's bent on punishing any person who is loved. And little Mike Johnson needs a vindictive plot, any vindictive plot to distract him from running into a men's room and being unCatholic. So while these Maga freeloaders sit around gloating, they can savor Hunter's temporary discomfort. But when the trial is over Hunter still has loving parents, future possibilities, and the freedom of a liberal mind, while his tormentors are stuck with their narrow minds, spiteful fantasies, and the worst possible fate: each other.


Here's something to think about. Our southern borders are crowded. Every day there are thousands of men, women and children trying to enter the United States because it is a democracy where they will live in freedom and have a greater chance for success. Equally important they are running away from cruel and despotic regimes where they are in constant danger and have no chance of secure future. In other words they are fleeing to the kind of country that Trump wants to destroy, a free democracy. And they are escaping the kind of country Trump wants to create, a despotic autocracy. Keep in mind if Trump wins there is no southern border we can run to.

Thursday, June 6, 2024


A  recent video shows Trump raging as usual. And as he rages there are repulsive bits of foamy saliva forming on his lips. The person who sent me this disgusting video asks, "Why is Trump foaming at the mouth?" which seems like a simple question with a very obvious answer, "Because that's what mad dogs do."

Wednesday, June 5, 2024





Tuesday, June 4, 2024


 Donald Trump could not accept his loss to Joe Biden. It so upset his already teetering sanity that he practically had a nervous breakdown. It so unhinged him that he had to insist he had won, but that the results were rigged. He proclaimed his fake win so often and so ruthlessly that millions of gullible Americans believed him. For some reason - we still don't know what - Republicans subscribed enthusiastically to his madness and surrendered all patriotism and morality to press his lie. Now, considering how that election loss caused this psycho to slip even further into fantasy, does he still have enough sanity left to contemplate what another loss will do to his paper-thin ego. If so, can he weather another crashing defeat, and has he already created an escape plan in the event that he is too afraid to continue with his campaign? Does that escape plan include some screwball plan that would let him can keep all his halfwits' campaign donations? And without their insane Captain Ahab can all his drowning  swabbies still try to bring down what they obsessively see as the great white whale of democracy?


Janis Paige one of the great stars from The Golden Age of Broadway has died at 101. As the original Babe of The Pajama Game she was there when being a star on the Great White Way still required super talent, and shows were still sung not screamed and songs had meaningful lyrics not just one repeated line. She didn't just amaze in one show and disappear. We got to see her in movies, television and interviews.Another falling star we loved looking up to. 


I don't get it. Why do a bunch of traitors (the Republicans in Congress) who have aligned themselves with a confessed would-be dictator get to interrogate Merrick Garland, a patriotic American? Why does the sour shirt-sleeved dwarf, Jim Jordan, get to sit in judgement every time he has a hissy-fit anger at someone who doesn't share his warped views? We are already halfway in the clutches of a sick and heartless reich and yet we (the media) plunge deeper by not questioning any clouds in the coming storm. When some Maga moron says Trump was a great president, does the reporter ever ask why? No. Yet when an unconfirmed report that Americans have lost their love for Biden, the media, even MSNBC, states it as truth. It seems like everyone with some say isn't saying enough, but handing over the reins of government to creeps like Jordan, Greene, Gaetz, and all the other turncoats whose names you know so well. We need Democrats to use more retorts like, "who says", "not true","prove it" and "You must be out of our mind." Instead we're getting the kind of fair reportage that is sure to destroy our democracy and set fire to our Constitution. 

Monday, June 3, 2024


Since Trump's 34 felony convictions, he is bragging that he has generated over 70 million dollars in small donations to the GOP for his campaign. That's pretty impressive until you remember that Trump lies constantly about everything. So while he has probably made some money on his crimes, it is likely far less than he is crowing about. And if it were true, what would that mean? It would mean that millions of Americans are so un-American that they are backing an admitted dictator; and so stupid that they are pledging their hard-earned money to a charlatan who claims he is a billionaire. So basically they are financing their own future loss of freedom, suppression of their rights, domination of their children, and their ability to live in a democracy. They have decided to cede their free will to a decrepit old man of questionable finances and nonexistent morals in the mistaken belief that he will be as great a president as he was in the past. All this worship while being unaware of or not accepting the fact that he was a horrible useless president who spent his days watching TV, sitting on his gold toilet, appointing incompetents to positions of authority, putting children in cages, making wealthy people super-rich, cheating at endless golf games, sentencing thousands to die by his ignorance of Covid, giving family members high-paying and authoritative positions for which they were unqualified, and when Covid prevented him from contact with the people he claimed to admire, he said, "Great. I hated having to shake their hands."

P.S.What's really disturbing is the media, including the liberal media, reports every claim he makes as if it were true. Today even MSNBC kissed the GOP's ass by referring to Hunter Biden's gun trial "historic"which is an absurd exaggeration.


 As you know, since you have e-mail, there are a lot of scummy people out there who, without being invited, clog your e-mail with their constant unwanted ads and pleas for money.  To make themselves even more irritating they require you to type in your e-mail if you want to unsubscribe to crap you never subscribed for in the first place. Why should you have to jump through any  hoop for these intruders?  Some assholes even disguise their ads by sneaking into your e-mail using a close friend's name. Thinking it's an important e-mail you open it and get yet another annoying ad,  in today's case, some promotion from the cast of Shark Tank The government has not done enough to protect us from spammers and  scammers, and if Trump gets into office they will do even less and probably add more user penalties to the Internet.

This is the third time I have gotten an e-mail supposedly from a friend that turns out to be an ad for a product promoted by the slimy members of the Shark Tank.Todays scam was even more offensive because they had my "friend" saying she had some sad news.

Sunday, June 2, 2024


If you're one of the sycophantic Republicans or Magists who is kissing Trump's enormous butt (there's room for all) in hopes of getting a position in his cabinet, consider this. What are you going to do if he is elected and he does choose you for Vice President or some other role? Will you immediately cater to his urgent need for revenge, his desire to end "giveaways" like Social Security (try explaining that to your parents)? Will you approve of his vindictive confining of major news reporters? And if you do will your spouse and children still look at you with respect, or don't you care? And how will you respond when the old man starts to show more signs of senility, more expressions of narcissism, and a greater dissatisfaction with you (just as he does with everyone)? . Keep in mind, your life won't be your own, your every move will be under surveillance, your every act designed to please only one arrogant and demanding person. That's when you will ask yourself, "What was I thinking? What have I done?"


Mike Johnson. What a ditz! He doesn't even hide his Trump bias and ignorance of the law. This week his panties were in such an uproar about the Trump verdict that he admitted having illegal discussions with members of the Supreme Court, and vowed that a perfectly legal decision would be overturned. (How would he know that?) We always knew this prissy little Puritan would be a problem when he praised his Bible from one side of his mouth and praised lying, cheating, philandering, rapist and felon Donald Trump from the other. Like Marco Rubio and the other treasonous Senators, there is something going on that we don't know about. Blackmail? Financial promises made? Just a woman-hating cult? Who knows? But this little worm, Mike Johnson with his wishy-washy morality certainly knows the secret.

Saturday, June 1, 2024


What is it about this old, flatulent, incontinent, lying, cheating rapist that so many people find appealing? Is it the burnt orange hue of his poorly applied Max Factor makeup? Is it childhood memories of Christmas from his angel-hair comb-over? Is it his constant frown so suggestive of actual abuse? Is it is pearly white false teeth? Is it the emptiness of his fish-like eyes? Is it his constant grammatical errors, mispronunciations, or malapropisms (a word he doesn't even know the meaning of.)?Or is something below his turkey wattled neck? Perhaps they are entranced by his overweight and flabby body, his large breasts, or the blotchy whiteness they can imagine but will never see. Still it must be something. No one has ever had more fans that didn't have a least one claim to beauty or charm. What irresistible quality draws to him America's most common ignorant rubes as well as members of Congress, even the supposedly moral Speaker of the House?  Each and every one of them eager to share their fate with his unhinged desire for power. What magic does he have that inspires millions of lemming-like Americans so willingly shed all patriotism and dignity to plunge with him over the cliff of certain-to-fail dictatorship. It must be a sexual father-image  obsession or a suicidal desire for humiliation before destruction. I mean having such an ugly, smelly, unworthy idol, what else could it be?


During Trump's pathetic Presidency, he hired any number of incompetents to fill important posts. One of the worst is Postmaster General, Louis DeJoy. Since he took over, it's nearly impossible to find a convenient mailbox and for the first time letters I mail never reach their destinations and several packages have not reached me. Worst of all America's cold and greedy banks couldn't care less. If they don't get a payment because it's lost in the mail, they immediately charge the outrageous fee of $29.00 or more, no matter how good your past record is. Plus if you dare to complain by phone, most banks, (mine is TD) have the worst Customer Service possible. Their favorite excuse for asking so many questions, making you jump through hoops, and preventing you from speaking with a human is, "We're doing this for your own protection." The translation is, "We're doing this for our protection." 


Of  the recent eight pro-Trump traitors who have vowed in print not to support anything President Biden recommends, none is a suprise. They have all proven themselves cowards, thieves, or turncoats in one way or another. The one that mystifies me the most is Marco Rubio. When his family came here from Cuba, America embraced them, gave them every possible opportunity to succeed, and was so supportive of their son Marco he had a good education and became a United States Senator. He even tried running for president, but dropped out when it was apparent that Donald Trump would bully his way into the nomination. Yet today Marco supports Trump, the man who called him Little Marco. He stands by Trump, the angry rapist and convicted felon who vows to be a dictator and devote himself more to revenge than to law.  This is the same Marco who hurled constant assaults at Trump in 2016, calling him "the most vulgar person to ever run for President of the United States" and making fun of his spray tan, tiny hands, and another likely tiny appendage. So what
 is Marco thinking? Maybe he's not the good Catholic he claims. After all he was arrested in Simpson Park on May 23, 1990, a minor arrest he was eager to have expunged from his record. One wonders why. In recent years he frequently proclaimed how much he loves our country. Then  why is he so eager to betray it along with the rest of his corrupt gang of eight: Rick Scott, JD Vance, Mike Lee, Marsha Blackburn, Tommy Tuberville, Eric Schmitt, and Roger Marshall? What have they got to gain for themselves, their families, their once-loved nation?