Friday, October 16, 2020


 I find it amusing the number of voters who proclaim themselves moral Christians and then indicate they plan to vote for Trump. Trump who cheated on all three wives, the most recent with a porn star while Melania was still nursing. Trump who has been accused of rape of an underage girl. Trump whose close friend was a famous pedophile  and whose imprisoned pimp Trump still wishes well. Trump who cheated hundreds of workers out of the money they were due. Trump who promised he would not profit from the White House and then ripped it off for millions, as did his greedy daughter and son-in-law. Trump whose deliberate lies led to the deaths of more than 200,000 beloved Americans who would be alive today if Trump weren't a liar. Trump who thinks anyone who serves his or her country is a sucker, and if they die in that service they are a loser. Trump who calls Biden Sleepy Joe while Trump himself stays in bed till noon watching television instead of doing his job as president. Trump who proclaims himself the greatest president ever, though he hasn't done anything for this country. Trump who refers to his crowds of fans at every rally as "disgusting." So you're going to vote for him, and there's no part of you that thinks that just possibly you're an idiot that any true Christian or for that matter God would find insane?

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