Tuesday, October 13, 2020


 I don't trust women, or men for that matter, who are so driven to have children they have some of their own and adopt others. Then the first opportunity they have to flex their ego and get away from those children , they take it. I am, of course, referring to the highly arrogant and ambitious Amy Coney Barrett who prizes a position on the Supreme Court above the happiness and familial warmth of her children. And though certain friends will be offended I am also highly suspicious of a person supposedly renowned for her judgement and wisdom who bases her entire integrity on an invisible unproven man in the sky and the teachings of a book centuries old that makes all kinds of outdated judgements like it is okay to stone to death an adulterous woman. The proven atheist Trump has chosen this woman to outlaw abortion, which the Bible never mentions. Also to wrest from millions of people their health coverage, which is something Jesus would never approve of, (yes I believe in Jesus). And eventually she'll ban gay marriage, though at least one of her seven children is sure to be gay. We need a decent, honest, fair. unbiased justice not a former Handmaiden who believes a woman should cleave to her husband.There will never be another Ruth Bader Ginsburg, but we should aim for a better than Amy Coney Barrett.

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