Friday, October 9, 2020


Sorry to be unkind. But if you vote for Trump, you're an idiot.You don't read, you don't think, you don't pay attention, and you don't watch unbiased news. You are also completely unpatriotic since you defend a man who defends our most dangerous enemies, including  Putin. Yet you believe every ridiculous lie about Biden, a decent man with a happy marriage and a long history of patriotism. And in your gullible ignorance you trust every word of a traitor, Trump, who has a history of lying, divorce, bankruptcies, criminality, cheating, not paying his bills, tax evasion, imprisoning children, and whose incompetence resulted in the deaths of more than 200,000 Americans. You have a brain set in cement, you are cheating your children of being more intelligent than you, you are condemning a nation that has always given you freedom and opportunity to one ruled by a narcissistic madman who refers to you as disgusting and wants you under his tiny thumb. Plus, stupidest of all you're loyal to a sadistic millionaire who wants to take away your Social Security and your Affordable Medical Care. And I'm just guessing, but I suspect you are not wealthy and paying expensive doctors, or buying a costly insurance policy won't be easy for you. Do yourself a favor: for the next two weeks read a fucking newspaper, watch something other than Fox, and see if you are able to separate truth from rumor and lies. If you come to your senses you'll help save democracy. If you remain stupid, you'll soon be saying again and again, "Why did I ever vote for Trump?"

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