Saturday, October 17, 2020


Hey, Trump, did it ever occur to you that your rallies are not indicative of how much they like you, but how much you amuse them, and it is a free show. There are no movies in town, so this is their chance to see a famous clown say all kinds of stupid things. It's a Punch and Judy show without Judy. And let's face it, you are a one man show. True you can't sing or dance, but you do make a fool of yourself with every appearance, and since these rubes believe they're Republicans, despite how often they're on the dole, they like hearing you attack people they should be praising. Best of all, they don't realize how much you detest them. If they could read your mind about all your thoughts of how fat, and sloppy and stupid they are, you'd only have the few moderately attractive bimbos who you're too impotent to seduce anyway. Most shows have audiences; yours have mobs. You've managed to coral a herd of misfits and get them to sit still for about an hour while you vap about your enemies and how mean the world is to you. They sit there and chew their gum until they are commanded to applaud, cheer or laugh uproariously. And many of them think you're absolutely nuts. But like I say, it's a free show, usually in a town where there's nothing else to do.

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