Thursday, October 1, 2020


 Apparently Amy Coney Barret is one of those arrogant bigoted handmaidens who feels she has a right to speak for an entire nation. Most Americans are satisfied with abortion rights as they now stand. But that's not good enough enough for this moralizing, Bible-thumping, super-judgemental justice who feels the world should follow her beliefs. Just because she can afford to raise seven children, she is—based on Biblical beliefs not even mentioned in the Bible—denying abortion rights to every woman in America, regardless of their beliefs. She pretends to be Christian, but she is anything but. She is an arrogant, sanctimonious  power-grabbing harridan who holds tight to the reins of prejudice and is determined to make the entire country bow to her will. If she also  has the gall to rule against the Affordable Care Act, thousands of Americans will die due to their inability to afford medical care, victims including  starving children and those with preexisting diseases. At night when she delivers her hypocritical prayers to a God who surely sees her for the fraud she is, how will she explain  that immoral behavior. She belongs on a court with the two other liars and deviants who, like her, slipped under the wires of true godliness. 

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