Thursday, August 1, 2019


Yes, I loathe and despise Trump and everything he stands for, as do so many reporters. But what they keep doing that infuriates me is saying that "Hillary lost". Hillary did not lose. She won the popular vote by millions and she did not have Russia interfering in the election on her behalf. She won the popular vote despite almost all the major TV networks giving her less play than Trump, repeating endlessly the Republican lie that she was not trusted, and often angrily vilifying her as on the very disturbing occasion MSNBC's Steve Kornaki attacked her as if she were his wife in a divorce settlement. Which leads me to once again repeat that the "liberal" TV media did as much as anyone to  keep pushing Trump in our face and eventually into office. And I am very afraid they will do it again by giving him far more face time than whomever the democratic candidate is. If Trump gets a second term all is lost. Not only for liberals who can see his weaknesses but also for all Trump's gullible fans who don't care that he's a traitor to America, a hater of women, a racist, a persecutor of children, a liar, a thief, and a  grifter and don't recognize how unhinged and dangerous he is. But given a second term they will, they soon will.

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