Tuesday, July 30, 2019


When I was growing up in the 50s and 60s, I had no idea so many Americans wanted to be Nazis. I assumed that everybody loved living in a free country, and would be sickened by the thought of a dictatorship ruled by a cruel, immoral and bigoted autocrat. Apparently I was wrong. I am absolutely stunned to see the number of angry faces at Trump rallies, horrified to hear them applaud his every nasty observation, share each petty hatred. Especially considering that Trump like Hitler has no affection for anyone. He detests all this sycophantic fans as much as he despises his detractors, but they are too stupid to know it. I am sure that if he had the power, he, again like Hitler, would eliminate all the people he considers unworthy of life, have prison camps from Maine to California, sign orders that would result in the murder of liberal reporters, the deaths of all those problematic children, the execution of their parents, and the goal of amassing the greatest fortune ever accumulated.  But for what? He doesn't drink, doesn't have the taste of an epicure, loathes pets, has no use for his own children, ignores his wife, is too impotent to have any further interest in paid sex, hasn't the curiosity for travel, and since he loves nobody has no need to purchase lavish gifts. If he gets in for a second term, then I feel I must be like a Jew in the early days of Hitler and will have to leave this country, the home of the free and the land of the brave, or at least that's what it was when I was growing up.

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