Friday, July 19, 2019


It's amazing how illiterate our president is. Especially since he constantly brags about how well-educated he is. He's forever saying that he feels badly for someone, The correct expression  is  "I feel bad".  He speaks of dislike of Jews as being anti-Semetic.You would think the leader of the country would know it's anti-Semitic. Our president is so incredibly illiterate and ignorant that he screws up the language with every tweet. His recent mind-numbing facts about our Air Force were only the latest in a long line of grammatical errors, malapropisms, and plain stupidities. I wonder how often his staff grimaces at his errors during meetings. Maybe that's why he surrounds himself with hillbillies, and ill-educated rubes like Sara Sanders. Sadly his illiteracy seems to attract fans that are just as  moronic as he is.

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