Sunday, July 14, 2019


Unlike most people today, I write letters. Letter that you fold, put in an envelope, add a stamp and drop into the nearest mailbox. I like writing letters and have written hundreds. Letters of complaint. Letters of praise. What I don't like is that few people or companies respond. I also write plays. Which I send to companies who promise they will respond in three to six months. You never hear from them again. Years ago I wrote a letter to the head of the Atomic Energy Commission, complaining that being in charge of anything so serious he should at least be able to pronounce nuclear which he pronounced—as so many do—nucular. He actually called me, furious at my correcting anyone as important as him. At least he responded. Recently I started a novel. Many publishers if you are not agented will ask you to send in the first three chapters, which I did with at least three publishers. Over a year. No reply. Even if it were rotten, somebody should have sent a letter or e-mail saying so. But nothing.  Before the Internet, I almost always got a response to a letter. From companies. From famous people. From publishers. From those who accepted constructive criticism, and those who appreciated sincere praise. So as I said, I like writing letters and will continue to do do. Despite the fact that we are living in a time when everyone is so important and self-involved they can't even answer a letter.

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