Thursday, August 22, 2019


Today I saw my first drone, and I am not pleased. It hovered over my house at about 9:30 AM, loud as a lawnmower and remained there for at least ten minutes before darting off to a next street over where it terrified a local cat. I hate to think this is our future: hundreds of these cacophonous monstrosities blackened the sky, delivering products for companies or just being playthings for idiots, making every day as frightening to pets as the Fourth of July. Is it a fad? And will it last? Or will its popularity die with the first person killed by a falling drone, the first passenger plane knocked out of the sky, the first homeowner who wins a million dollar suit for the destruction it did to his home? More and more advanced technology is ruining our lives. Teens no longer talk to each other when they can text. Many adults are addicted to idiotic, and often violent video games. Cable providers are robbing us blind because we must have 212 stations.  Once friendly people don't go out with friends, when they can order from any restaurant and avoid social contact. I personally can't go to the movies anymore because there are more lighted screens in the audience than on the stage. And now giant buzzing electronic steel flies that are completely unswatable.

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