Monday, August 19, 2019


There are lots of reasons Comcast is the most hated company in America other than it's too expensive, it's hard to reach a human being to solve a problem and when you do it's someone in China or India whom you can barely understand. I have some new complaints. On their guide, they often list programs as "new" on the crime show networks that have been of several times before. Their service is often failing as mine did for two days last week. Since they never called back with their call-back service, I had to get up at 6am when I was sure one of their "busy" techs would be available. I insisted on a refund for all the time I wasted trying to reach them and the viewing I didn't receive. They credited $6 to my monthly $232 bill. I'd switch to someone else but the choices are limited and I'm told they all suck, though not as bad as Comcast.

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