Saturday, August 10, 2019


Bausch and Lomb, like all pharmaceutical companies are greedy thieves. A fantastic profit is not good enough for them. Not when they can make astronomical profits, often on the backs of poor people. I just picked up a new B & Lomb prescription, a 2.5mL bottle of eyedrops called VYZULTA. My copay for this smaller than thumb-sized bottle was $65.00. Can I afford it? Yes. But I still regard it as thievery. Now consider that most people who require this medication are seniors like me, often persons of very limited income. For them to pay this incredibly inflated price is nothing less than senior abuse, And don't give me the song and dance that glaucoma research costs so much money that B & L has no choice but to stick it to seniors. We're talking about greed, sheer greed, nothing more, And that's just the optical people. The pill pushers, and serum sellers have their own super expensive ways to soak hard-working people, including actual scams like Prevagen, which doesn't do a damn thing. Why do you think pharmaceutical companies can run all those endless costly commercials? Because they're rolling in money.Your money. With Republicans in power, they will continue their piracy. But I suggest that whenever you pick up an overpriced prescription that you bitch and whine and make it clear that you know someone is picking your pocket even if you can't stop them--yet.

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